Friday Favorites: Have a lovely weekend.

Friday, March 21, 2014

p h o t o 
March Madness is taking over our weekend. What is taking over yours?

1. Rest in Peace L'Wren.

2. I'm pretty sure this is how Tyler and I would dress our apartment and our future home. Ty, let's do this! Perfectly polished with that California freshness.

3. For the people like me who really want an indoor garden because they would fail at an outdoor one. D.I.Y.'s FTW!

4. This only makes me slightly baby hungry, and sad that they eventually grow out of these pieces. 

5. Come at me, Rejection!

6. Confessions of a Beauty Editor. Wow!

7. A Fresh Road Trip Playlist!

8. I laughed out loud! So great. Use with caution.

9. So dreamy. Bring on Summer!

10. Noooooooooooooooo.  

11. A lovely and vibrant family album. 

12. Summer sneaks.

13. To build a home. 

+ h a p p y // w e e k e n d 

+ s t a y // g o l d 

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