Life Lately...

Monday, March 4, 2013

Hello! The sore throat and runny nose is gone! The only thing left is the rather annoying cough that comes and goes, but hey that's what cough drops were made for. So here are some instagrams because I'm a little too tired to come up with a real post at 10:28 PM.

1. So when I was getting sick, I was so sad because I knew that I would return home to zero orange juice or anything pumped with vitamin C. Well little did I remember that I had bought oranges just a few days before. Day made. Life made.

2. My room was so messy that day. Everything that could have been on my bed was piled up high and I just wanted to crawl underneath it all.

3. The next day after my sore throat walloped me, I had to study for a test. I was taking tired selfies all day. All day. Err day.

4. We happened to arrive an hour early for the basketball game.

5. Don't worry, it filled up fast. And we lost. Tragic.

6. I have a sassy book.

7. I discovered my new love: BOYFRIEND JEANS. They are even better when you don't have a boyfriend.

8. Pretzel bites at the lame mall with the best sister.

9. Kate Spade iPhone cases at TJMAXX! Jump on it.

10. The best part of Pride and Prejudice.

11. The part where I start to cry.

12. #wallgram.

How was your weekend? What are you looking forward to the most this week?  Stay gold.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're feeling better! And I'm obsessed with you boyfriend jeans!


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