No room for excuses

Monday, September 16, 2013

There isn't any room for any of those, but I'm going to list a few as to why I haven't consistently blogged for a couple of days.

1. I'm in college.

2. The boyfriend and I are making big plans and have to be grown ups.

3. I'm in college.

4. I'm tired and busy.

5. I work.

6. I'm in college.

7. I still love this blog, but I'm currently in the works on one for my ward relief society.

8. I'm in college.

Love you all. Stay gold.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Don't worry about it Dani! When I was planning our wedding I was in college, had two jobs, and "making big plans" gets in the way! I blogged twice in between engagement and three months after marriage. haha Do what you do! Love you!


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