May We Never Forget

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I know this video is a year old, but its truths and beautiful message ring true today (whether you're religious or not). May we find hope in the hard times, in the tragedies. May we remember those that serve our country and fight for our freedoms every single day. Thank you to the families, thank you to the children, thank you. September 11th may be an event of my childhood, but I will never forget. I will never forget the tears in my parents eyes, the pillars of fire and smoke, the solemn silence at school that day, the people running, the terror. I will never forget that our country was under attack. I'm grateful for the leaps and bounds we have made since that day. Never forget. Always be grateful. God bless us. God bless the men and women who lost their lives, and God bless their families. God bless those who live.

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