The Happiest of Birthdays to Walking on Sunshine!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

This precious little blog is a year old today! Couldn't you tell? I mean I wrote the most meaningful posts this whole week. And hopefully if you're an avid reader you can tell that my words are dripping in sarcasm at its finest. Let's be honest, I had no motivation to write at all, in fact, I was at a softball game and after we decided that shakes from Sonic were in order and it wasn't until I was double-fisting a chicken strip sandwich that I realized that it was the 1 year birthday of this little beauty.

So I thought, hey why don't I take some mighty fine pictures of cute kids smiling in honor of this fine day? So I did. And it was grand. Enjoy...

P.S. read all the way to end for an honorary outfit posts done by yours truly...not really at all. T-Jones.

And thus begins the challenge to get everyone to look great in a picture. Abby is failing and Mak...the eyes. The eyes. Always.

We're getting there. So close, T-Jonesy, so close.

And then this happened.

And so I decided to take individual pictures.

And most of them turned out blurry.

Megan always looks cute in pictures. Even the candid ones.

Emilee looks completely adorable in this. Everyone is cute. I'm glad I tried again.

A hot fudge shake makes for happy face.
This one.

We still couldn't get a solid one. All good though, I still love these people.
 And now for the highlight, snorty laugh part of the night and the outfit of the day...

Hat: c/o Arizona Diamond Backs (must be worn backwards with some hair sticking out to create maximum effect) // Shirt: c/o Nike // Shorts: c/o Nike // Shoes: c/o Adidas 
This kid. He even got the pose down. Pure gold I say.

Well friends, thanks for reading for a year. Let's hope for many more.

Thanks for sticking around for the adventures, the heartaches, the happiness, the food, and the style, and the all the times I tried super hard to be witty.

You are the goldest and the loveliest. Stay that way.

Until tomorrow.


  1. Heehee! The last one is my fave :)

  2. Oh dear.... I just love all of us. All of our faces. All of our failed pictures. All of this.

    1. Me too! This whole post is like our friendship in a nutshell.


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